Saturday, 17 October 2015

analysis of shot by shot remake

Analysis of shot by shot remake

My role in the group during the shot by shot remake was to direct out Sonia in the correct position, help her with the actions she had to do and also to do the countdown so it synchronizes with the actual video. In our groups i believe what went went was that we were organised. We had chosen a opening scene which everyone agreed on and we had written out our shot list which included the timings of the action, the type of shot as well as the costumes that were worn and changed. This made it easier when we were shooting as we could group all the shots with the same costume as the same time. Through the remake some of the skills i gained was how to make a shot list, we learnt techniques on how to film the opening scene faster which was by filming all the scenes with the same costume first. Another skill i gained was directing the camera person when to start by doing countdowns. Skills that i need to acquire before the production of our actual opening scene is to make sure the actions are the same going on for the same amount of time as in the scene we made a remake of as our clip was much faster than the actual one which suggests we completed the actions too fast or missed few out. i will need to work on directing the opening scene which i can do by creating few videos and just practising.

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